

Different Water Types: Health Effects on Human Body 

Water makes up two-thirds of our bodies and is essential for digestion, constipation relief, and the delivery of oxygen to your cells.  

Given these considerations, it is critical to comprehend the many types of water accessible and their effects on the body. Water is classified according to its content, consistency, source, and treatment. 

Not all water is treated equally, with some being less expensive or giving more nutrients. 

The numerous forms of water and what you should know about them are listed below. 

Tap water 

Tap Water

Tap water is a piped water supply that may be found in a number of settings, from flushing a public toilet to running through your kitchen sink or cleaning your dishwashing glassware. 

Tap water contains pesticide residue, aluminum, and other toxins that can harm your health in a variety of ways. 

Sparkling water 

Sparkling water, often known as carbonated water or soda water, is carbonated water that has been infused with carbon dioxide gas under pressure. 

Sparkling Water

While sparkling water contains certain minerals, there aren’t enough to be useful to your health in any substantial sense. Furthermore, when compared to both tap and some types of bottled water, it might be costly. 

Distilled water 

The steam from this type of water is collected and compressed back into a liquid. 

There are no health advantages to distilled water since it lacks vitamins and minerals.  

Non-mineralized water has the potential to be harmful since it tends to extract minerals from anywhere it can, which in this case is your body, notably your teeth. 

Purified water 

All potentially hazardous components are removed from filtered water. You lose out on calcium, which helps to prevent tooth decay, and other potentially useful compounds added to tap water sources. 

Furthermore, filtered water or even constructing a home filtration system can be rather costly. 

 Alkaline water 

To be healthy, you must drink water with the proper pH level. Overly acidic drinking water might be harmful to your health.  

Alkaline water has a lower pH than regular water, includes alkaline minerals, and has a negative oxidative reduction potential (ORP).  

The appropriate pH level in water can aid in the neutralization of excess acid in the body.  

Water with the appropriate pH level can help you live longer and perhaps prevent cancer. 

Mineral water 

Essential minerals are naturally present in this sort of water.  

The reason for this is that mineral water comes from subterranean sources, which is why it is high in minerals like calcium, magnesium, and manganese. Because it includes minerals, this type of water may offer certain health advantages. 

DTPPL is a prominent Mineral Water Plant Supplier that assists in the setup of mineral water plants so that you may have safe drinking water. 

 Flavored or infused water 

Flavored Water

Water that has been sweetened with sugar or artificial sweeteners and contains natural or artificial flavorings is known as flavored water. 

Flavored waters frequently include extra sugar or artificial sweeteners.  

Sugary varieties can cause weight gain and have a harmful impact on those with diabetes. Furthermore, artificial sweeteners may cause allergic reactions in certain persons. 

Conclusion: Mineral water contains minerals such as Sulphur, magnesium, and calcium, all of which are beneficial to your health. Mineral water does offer certain health advantages. Because it supplies minerals that your body cannot produce on its own, it is a reliable source. It can also ease digestion, and many people prefer the flavor of it over tap water, however, this is just a matter of taste. 

The most essential thing is to stay hydrated and drink enough clean water regularly. As long as the water you’re drinking comes from a mineral water plant, it’s clean and safe.