


DHARMANANDAN TECHNO PROJECTS PVT. LIMITED (DTPPL) is founded by the finest and widely experienced Techno having experience and proven expertise in the Field of Water Treatment, Drinking Water Plant and Packing machines.

It was humble beginning way back in 2007. However we have long experience in water treatment and drinking water Indus We started with very small unit for fulfilling the Technical Requirements of the water treatment industries mainly of Packaged drinking water. We were supporting our clients for improving their water quality and guiding them for quality assurance of the Packaged drinking water. Initial days were very tough. We were literally struggling for getting the business. Customers were reluctant to buy from us. We literally worked free of cost for many initial clients. Our struggle continued quite a long time. Survival of the business was very difficult.
However, we were committed to our service and we never compromised on our quality and commitment for the customers continued hard work of serving and helping our customers and at the same time were learning many essential and vital things which a necessary to satisfy the clients. Our total focus was on the Quality and service so that we can fully satisfy our clients beyond customer expectations. Eventually our hard work and commitment has started paying off. Our happy and satisfied customers were growing at steam pace. These happy customers became our inspiration and motivation to work more hard. Sooner we started manufacturing of RO plant an Automatic Filling machines. Being having Engineering background, manufacturing was not tough task for us. However, there were also initi struggle for setting up best quality machines which we overcame by investing on latest technology in manufacturing and hiring competent and experienced technical manpower.
We multiplied our business to manifold by single customer centric policy Le. “ONE HAPPY & SATISFIED CUSTOMER GIVES 10 MORE CUSTOMERS.
Our success story in mineral water business
Our list of Happy customer is growing rapidly and DTPPL is strengthening day by day by spreading the client base
geographically all over INDIA. We also have global footprint in Countries like Bhutan, Columbia, Togo, Ghana and many African countries
Today, DTPPL is one of the Biggest manufacturers of Water treatment and Packaging machines in INDIA with total customer centric approach DTPPL has Manufacturing Facility spread over 20,000 square feet with state at the art latest technology. DTPPL is totally committed to 100% Customer satisfaction with quality and service and DTPPL is confidently aim to become INDIAN corporate giant in the coming future. DTPPL’s mission by Heart is MAKING PEOPLE MORE SUCCESSFUL AND PROFITABLE IN MINERAL WATER BUSINESS.
About Mineral Water Industry
Water shortage and health awareness driving bottled water consumption in India. The Indian market is estimated at about Rs 6,000 crores and is growing at a whopping rate of 40 per cent. By 2020, it will reach More than Rs 8,000 crores with 33 per cent market for natural mineral water, According to a national-level study, there are more than 400 bottled water brands in India and among them nearly 80 percent are local brands. India ranks in the top 10 largest bottled water consumers in the world. Bottled water is still not perceived as a product for masses, though the scene is changing slowly, thanks to low pricing and aggressive marketing strategies adopted by new entrants. Penetration in rural areas is another significant factor that is likely to play a key role in the development of the bottled water trade. The level of prosperity in the different regions plays a key role in the consumption of bottled water in India.

Why should you join hands with Dharmanandan Techno Projects to launch your business?

“Making People more Successful & Profitable in Mineral Water Business”